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Jolanta Marcolla (1950) 

She studied painting at the individual studies at the Art Academy PWSSP in Wrocław (1974). She is the author of photographs, film and video. She founded and is a member of the creative group “Current Art Gallery” which organised many artistic events in Poland and abroad during the years 1972-1975 such as: „Show no 12” Permafo Gallery, (Wrocław 1972), “Awareness Of Possibilities”, Akumulatory Gallery, (Poznań 1973), “ Art and Informatic”, Studio Agora, (Maastricht Belgia 1974).


2019 Korowód, Galeria Wojewódzkiej i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. C. Norwida, Zielona Góra

2017 Własny pokój, Galeria BWA, Zielona Góra

2016 Marszobieg, Galeria MiTo, Warszawa

2016 Obecność, Marecki Ośrodek Kultury, Marki k.Warszawa

2015 Pokaz filmów (Arton Review) Muzeum Narodowe, Warszawa

2013 Zmysły Sztuki - meeting and exhibition, Wilanów, Warszawa

1981 Plays, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Germany

1978 Photo-Works, Studio 16/e, Torino, Italia


2019 The New and Unknown World, Trapéz, Budapest

2019  Her Own Way. Female Artists and the Moving Image in Art in Poland: From 1970s to the Present, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo

2019 Stany skupienia / States of Focus, Muzeum Współczesne, Wrocław

2017 KINOTEKA POLISH FILM FESTIVAL Whitechapel Gallery, London

2014 Sunrise, Galeria Starter, Warszawa

2011 Polish Conceptual Photography, Freies Museum, Berlin

2010 Conceptual art. Photography, The City Of Łódź Museum, Łódź

2007 1,2,3…Avant Garde, CSW Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany, rekalde hall, Bilbao, Spain

2002-2003 From the archive of experimental Film, 2002-2003, Warsaw, Poznań, New York

1977 C.D.N. Young Art Presentation, Warszawa

1976 The screening of film and documentary, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin


Centre Pompidou, Paris

Jolanta Marcolla Jolanta Marcolla

Dávid Biró, Jolanta Marcolla, Mózes Márton Murányi, Dominika Trapp The New and Unknown World